ART in FOCUS: Joy Within
Joy Within
Celebrate yourself. Focus on acceptance and celebration of all that you are.
My exhibition Healing from within at Unicorn Lane Gallery on Sturt Street has one week remaining!
For the duration of the exhibition I am highlighting one of the included artworks twice a week to go into more detail the message each artwork carries.
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The seventh artwork I would like to share with you from my exhibition Healing from within is ‘JOY WITHIN’ a soft pastel on board drawing with the accompanying message:
Celebrate yourself. Focus on acceptance and celebration of all that you are.
This artwork explores the joy that can be found in the acceptance and celebration of all that you are. When you stop looking outside of yourself for your happiness, when you are truly at peace with you and your situation, you explore the ability to be joyous in all you are and do.
Do not look outside yourself, relying on others or external sources to find joy. Instead focus within, focus on acceptance and celebration of all that you are. Finding joy within is a gift to give yourself. Each day highlight to yourself your gifts both small and large. From your smile, sense of humour to the actions you have been taking to the benefit of yourself and others.
It is easy to look at others and feel unhappy with areas of your life or yourself. I have been guilty of this many times, viewing others’ lives as something I should be living or having. These type of thoughts however can bring you down if you are putting unnecessary pressure on yourself to be someone else, or have more material things. It is wonderful to have dreams, however it is equally as important to love and accept yourself as you are now.
‘JOY WITHIN’ reminds us to be content and happy with all that we are, to celebrate ourselves.
Joy Within
Celebrate yourself. Focus on acceptance and celebration of all that you are.
Unframed $257
Soft Pastel on Board
(L 33.2cm x H 52.3cm)
Currently on display at Unicorn Lane Gallery