Welcome to an extended exploration of ‘Inspiration’ from my Self-Discovery Inspirational Cards deck. Last week in the live video (which you can view here) we looked at what may be blocking us from following our inspiration and ran through a brief meditation identifying where we may be holding these blockages or doubt in our body and visualising a clearing of these areas to create space and movement for your ideas and inspiration!

Inspiration - An abundance of inspiration lies within.

Sometimes when I look at this card I see an overwhelming amount of action and colour taking place, other times I am able to focus on the central circular part of the image, or I actually enjoy the amount of movement and business in the artwork viewing it as all the inspiration that lies within me. This is what I want to look at today, the different ways we can view or work with our ideas and inspiration.

There may be times when you have many ideas but don’t know which one to focus on, you may not have faith that anything can come out of it, or there may be so many other external factors that you don’t know where to begin. I can see all of this when I look at this card today. Some of the background ‘noise’ can hinder the central idea or inspiration you may have.

Today is about identifying and valuing the ideas and inspiration that come to you. Allowing yourself time to sit with these ideas and feel how they resonate with you.

Is it something that you would like to invest time and energy into, would you like to be the one to see it come into fruition, or is it just a passing fancy. These are important considerations to make. When we talk of Inspiration we could be looking at project ideas, ideas for changing or updating elements in your life, you could be looking at a fitness change or motivation for large life changes. Inspiration can hit in many different ways and it is important to pay attention, especially when an idea might occur to you on multiple occasions, perhaps this is when it is ideal to bring it to the for-front of your mind and give it the time and consideration it requires, allow your inner voice to become loud and strong and pay attention to sensations, thoughts and further ideas when you do.

I wonder how this approach to this colourful card ‘Inspiration’ resonates with you? I’d love to hear from you, you may feel or look at it differently, as I mentioned in the beginning depending on where I am at, at any given day or time this card may resonate with me differently, this is also something that I marvel at with these cards, I am learning more and more the hidden elements and messages for me in each one!

Thank you for coming on this journey with me! I wish you well acknowledging the inspiration and ideas that come to you!

If you are really enjoying the artworks and messages of my Self-Discovery Inspirational Cards and would like to have a deck of your very own (or gift one to a friend), visit my store.

Also I would like to remind you that I currently have a 22% DISCOUNT offer on my Self-Discovery Inspirational Cards, Personalised Intuitive Guidance via Video Recording sessions and Personalised A4 Intuitive Artworks! Enter code: INSPIRED at check-out. Valid until September 17 2019.

Sharing Light, Love and Smiles