CONNECTING WITHIN: Infinite Possibilities

Hello beautiful people!

The inspiration and guidance I bring to you today is a continuation of the Connecting Within to Heal and Grow live video last Wednesday,where we explored and worked with the beautiful and colourful ‘Infinite Possibilities’ card in my Self-Discovery Inspirational Cards deck.

This card features the message: An infinite number of possibilities lay before you.

INFINITE POSSIBILITIES: An infinite number of possibilities lay before you.

During the live video session, I spoke about being OPEN to possibilities and opportunities without restriction, making the conscious decision to be OPEN to the outcome or process that is RIGHT FOR YOU.
Another theme that was highlighted was to TAKE ACTION on the opportunities that you come across, even if they don’t specifically meet the specifications you thought you wanted.

I ran through a breathing and affirmation exercise to set the intention of being OPEN to the infinite possibilities before you and letting go of any restrictions or control that you feel you need to have. Opening space to allow room for these opportunities to be seized. If you would like to revisit (or view for the first time) the recorded session you can do so here (if you wish to skip to the breathing exercise you can find it around the 17 minute mark).

For this week, the extend exploration into Infinite Possibilities is a reminder to take positive action when opportunities arise and be open to the amazing possibilities of where it could lead! Don’t close yourself off to unexpected opportunities! Keep your eyes and heart open.

Seize the opportunities that life presents, take action. Do not sit ideally by, be active in pursuit of your goals whilst maintaining an open mind into the ways your goals can be achieved.

Bring a focused mindset to the action you take, taking care not to over-complicate the steps required. Simple and straight-forward with easy to achieve steps is optimal at this time.

Don’t become complacent. The opportunities that present themselves require positive action!

These are the messages that Infinite Possibilities is highlighting this week! I wish you well in your pursuit of seizing the opportunities that present themselves and keeping an open heart and mind!

I personally will be working on ‘letting-go’ of how I want certain things to turn-out or look like and work on trusting and allowing them to be as they need to be (one example will be coming up in my fortnightly short inspirational story, where I had a certain image in mind of how they would be, but have had to relax and allow it to form as it needs too!). I am excited to open up to the opportunities in my life, including the smaller things like a game of totem tennis with my kids (I have been letting the ‘busy’ get in the way and not valuing enough those moments that can bring joy and laughter)!

I wish you well in your pursuit of seizing the opportunities that present themselves and keeping an open heart and mind!

If you would like to purchase a deck of my Self-Discovery Inspirational Cards with beautiful colourful artworks – you can do so in my online store! Or if you would like a personalised Intuitive Guidance session you can check it out here!

Also a reminder that I will be live on Facebook next week Wednesday at 11am AEST where we will have a look at a new card for the fortnight - join me on my Facebook page!
