ART in FOCUS: Infinite Possibilities

Infinite Possibilities
You come into life with infinite possibilities. It is only your own mind that restricts you.

The artwork I am highlighting today is one of the first watercolour paintings I created through the method of letting go allowing the art to flow.

Titled 'Infinite Possibilities', this artwork is part of the collection for my exhibition INSPIRATION from WITHIN now showing, and is for sale for $94 framed.

Accompanying message Infinite Possibilities:

You come into life with infinite possibilities.  It is only your own mind that restricts you.

Sharing my wisdom:

Though this artwork was only created earlier this year (about 6 months ago), I look back and can see how much my thinking has changed.

For so long I allowed my lower thoughts of fear to rule me.  Stopping any thoughts or ideas before they even have a chance to be considered, thinking myself unable to achieve them.
Continuing harmful thinking patterns of not valuing myself and what I have to offer.  Allowing my own thoughts to interfere with my possibilities in life.

I didn't follow my love of art entering into VCE as a career prospect, as it was seen as a hard field to make a living from.  After completing my University Degrees I applied for entry level positions, not valuing my skills and accomplishments.  I could go on, but you can see a pattern here, of not considering possibilities, as I did not VALUE myself (had to capitalise VALUE, this is important, took a bit of doing but makes a big difference!).

Through listening to the messages my art carries, making efforts to open, to stop and pull myself up when destructive thoughts begin to appear.  Choosing to be open, to what could be, to entertain my dreams and possibilities.  To VALUE myself (and my awesomeness).  
I now rest in wonderment at the possibilities before me.  The power of my ideas and having faith in myself and what I can achieve.  After all as I am drafting this I am sitting amongst my art, in an exhibition 12 months ago I did not even think of as a possibility!

Allow your possibilities to present themselves, anything is possible when you allow.