Welcome to an extended exploration of ‘Growth’ from my Self-Discovery Inspirational Cards deck. Last week in the live video (which you can view here) chatted about the different themes of this card, in particular being the investigator in our own life, looking at recent experiences and whether we are repeating unhelpful patterns not having dealt with emotion or the events.

These live videos have been scheduled fortnightly, however due to demands at home I have changed these to monthly. Similarly these extended posts will now be monthly also.

The messages displayed on my Self-Discovery Inspirational Cards are there to help prompt you and can be interpreted in many different ways depending on where you are at and your situation. I always urge people to listen to what comes up for them when reading the words or looking at the image, allowing your inner self to communicate what is needed at this time. It may be the way you interpret a message one day is different to week or month later. The same with the live videos and these posts I do, I flow with what comes up at the time to work with the selected card.

Today we will have a brief look at the message displayed on the card in sections.

Growth- Choose to grow and learn from one experience to the next.

What does this mean for you?

‘Choose’ - this can be a tough one, finding the Will Power, the courage to actually DECIDE to work on yourself, to DECIDE to progress past life’s challenges even if it is just taking a step further than what you may have done in the past.

‘Grow and Learn’ - to grow and learn from our experiences. This could be not repeating actions/helpful behavior over again having been stagnant and not able to move forward. It could also require being willing to accept aspects of yourself or the situation around you, coming to terms with things about yourself or situation that doesn’t sit comfortably, perhaps acknowledging and working with aspects that you have tried to ignore or feel overwhelming or scary.

‘One experience to the next’ - I find in life there are many rotations, things coming back around, perhaps not the exact same as the last but very similar. Together with the way I handle (or don’t handle) these events/situations. It is like life is telling me ‘this is something you need to work on, you haven’t quiet got there yet’ so we have created a similar circumstance for you to work with again!
Another interpretation is life experiences in general, although not necessarily all connected there are many things you can take from the different experiences you have that can help you as a whole. Building strength, character, knowledge, wisdom, etc.

So ‘choose to grow and learn from one experience to the next’ - for me today is about looking at how I have handled things in the past with what is happening for me now, paying attention to why similar circumstances or bad habits are resurfacing and finding the courage to face these parts of myself that I know need attention, but for some reason am avoiding. How about you? What comes up for you today?

I wish you well connecting to your inner voice, to listen what comes up for you with this ‘Growth’ card this month.

If you are really enjoying the artworks and messages of my Self-Discovery Inspirational Cards and would like to have a deck of your very own (or gift one to a friend), visit my store.
SPECIAL OFFER - I currently have a special Inspirational Combo Deal where you can purchase a 30 minute Intuitive Guidance Session via Video Recording together with a deck of my cards for $55!

Sharing Light, Love and Smiles