Welcome to a new phase of ART from SPIRIT!

Thank you to my loyal subscribers and to those just joining us!


As it has been awhile, I will briefly introduce (or re-introduce) myself. My name is Tegan Neville, I am an Intuitive Artist, budding Art Therapist and published author of the beautiful 'Self-Discovery Inspirational Cards', as well as a mum of 2 cheeky kids (age 7 and 9 years old) and wife, living in Ballarat, Australia.

I suffered from severe depression during pregnancy and after the birth of my 2nd child, and subsequently went on a lengthy healing journey during which I discovered the beautiful healing power of art and my ability to create art from within.

I felt so lost and overwhelmed, the tools I felt most beneficial were those that guided me to do the ‘inner work’, to actively connect and look within, to let go of what I no longer needed to carry. This is where I felt the biggest growth and healing occur. This is what I want to be able to share with others, to empower and guide others. My dream is to inspire others to heal and grow by connecting within through sharing my intuitive art, my experience and my gifts!

In the last 14 months, I have gone through another period of healing and change (a big part of why you haven’t heard from me in awhile) and am excited to be regaining my energy and become ready to share my beautiful gifts in new ways!

Last year my amazing Self-Discovery Inspirational cards were released <que jumping up and down in excitement here>, unfortunately my energy levels were very low at the time of release so I am only just beginning to actively share them now! I am so amazed at how awesome the cards have turned out (I mean I knew that would be amazing, but the colours and feel, together with the special display stand -A-M-A-Z-I-N-G-)! You can check them out here.

I am grabbing hold of the excitement generated from my cards and finding new ways to share them and my intuitive gifts! Some of the ways I will be doing this include:

  • A fortnightly Facebook Live video segment on the White Light Publishing House Facebook page called ‘Connecting Within to Heal and Grow’. Where we explore and work with the theme and energies of the chosen card from my Self-Discovery Inspirational Cards deck to enhance our connection within and let go of all we no longer need. These live sessions allow me to interact with you and answer any questions you may have. The segment is healing in nature and is still beneficial to view at a later time if you are unable to attend the live. See my facebook events page for dates.

  • A fortnightly ‘Connecting Within’ blog post extending the insight into the chosen card featured in the above live video segment. You will also be able to find the link to the relevant video in this fortnightly post.

  • On the alternate fortnight I will share an image and short story to help inspire and guide healing and growth.

  • For those of you who enjoy receiving guidance via cards, I will be drawing cards every week sharing guidance on what to take notice of or focus on during the week ahead.

  • There will also be the occasional sharing of a new artwork that has been created – look out for one in the next few days!

  • Keep an eye on my Facebook page as I will occasionally offer free live mini intuitive guidance sessions using my beautiful cards. Make sure to update your Facebook notifications so you know when I go live!

  • I am also excited to be offering some other new services/products that you can find in my store:

If there is anything in particular you would like me to explore in my blog posts or lives, or offer in my store – please contact me and let me know, I’d love to hear from you!

Lastly, it would be wonderful if you could help spread the word! If you know anyone who might benefit from some inspiration and guidance from my posts, videos or intuitive guidance sessions – please help to connect them to me!

NEW OFFER: As a thank you to everyone who is joining me on this beautiful journey of connecting within to heal and grow - all subscribers to my mailing list receive 10% off all my products and services on my website, if you haven’t already you can sign up here.

Sending light and smiles your way!

Tegan Neville