Experience Together

Today I felt prompted to share this script with you. When drawing it I felt like I was being reminded to share experiences with others and really look at how much time I am spending by myself on my activities vs how much time I am sharing moments with my family and friends. Although I have been making efforts to pay attention to how much I am playing with the kids or sharing experiences with my husband, I have noticed that I do tend to enjoy many moments by myself and this was a reminder about the value in sharing my life together with others. That the in-person interaction is so precious and to work on bringing more of this into my life!

How about you? How much value do you put on exchanges and moments shared with those in your life? Or are you like me and have been indulging in the time with just you? Whilst these moments too are precious, this script is a reminder of the importance of sharing this beautiful life with other precious people.

This type of special script often comes up in the Intuitive Guidance via Video Recording Sessions I offer, it is another way of communicating your guidance and I continue to be amazed at how it comes about and the different messages that I feel. Would you like to book a session with me? As I record these sessions at home, you can be anywhere in the world! Find out more or book your session here.